Kids Bike Rentals

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We love to see happy families enjoying a bike ride around Whistler, and have several kids options to help make that possible. Our standard kids bike rentals come in 4 different sizes, but one simple price. We also offer kids downhill rentals, for more info visit Kids Downhill Bike Rental. We also offer chariot and trail-a-bike rentals. Here are our standard kids options, click on the images below to reserve your bikes:

Kids Bikes can be rented by the hour. Hourly rates are $12/hour, and are available in-store only on a first-come first-served basis.

kids 24 rental bike marin san quentin
24" wheel (8 - 12 year olds approximately)
kids 20 rental bike marin san quentin
(20" wheel, 6-10 years old approx.)
kids 16 inch rental bike
(16" wheel, 4-5 years old approx.)
kids run bike rental option
Run Bike (2-4 years old